He is your fate.

Dear self, I’m worried about you.

You seem off.

You know about your dream and how they become reality yet you don’t do much to change it trajectory.

God give you the ability  - not for you to be happy with your life, He want you to make a different yet in the white light you see - you still believed, they are not real.

Your dream are becoming true, what you hope  - is real.

You can’t run or denied.

You can keep write it down and dream for a better ends.

Its not the end, He show to you.

He often help you to understand, he show you the solution and even give blessing to your action.

You know the truth.

You remember.

You ask him for many things to happen and all that come true. He never skip even one wish.

He show you the future, the past and help you understands the present.

Yet you still say its  empty, unlucky and unhappy.

This is what you want.

You on top of the tree - once ask for the gift to see it all.

All happen as your dream.

He don’t lie.

He even appears himself to you with others that so lucky to be there near Him.

What else do you want.

I’m worried about you.

The fate is getting closer.

The truth shall be out.

Sooner or later - that one eye is all you got.

See for yourself.

Your sickness won’t kill you, you know that.

You won’t kill yourself - He know that.

Just a touch, just one heart - is that what you always ask.

He give it all.

Be real.

It almost near.

He already turn his way.

Not today, not tomorrow but when the Mayan say its all ended.

Even before that, you see it, heard it and understand.

What did you do.


You write this as a reminder.

You read it all the time.

You understand it all to well.


Be brave.

Be smart.


You are born 1000 years old.

The secret is there.

Go look for it.

Help Him who shall be arriving.

You might know the answer .

He is your fate.


The end.


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